Friday, February 25, 2011

New Shoes

After much ado about not being able to pull photos off my camera...  I had a full memory card, so I didn't even take many videos between posts.  I am proud, however, to present a post that has nothing to do with problems in our house!  LOL

Here's the 10-month photo (a couple weeks late).  You'll note that Isaac is standing rather than laying down for this picture.  Think of it as representative of how life is going these days!  Ha ha!

Isaac's Nana (my mom) has been here since last Sunday.  She left this morning and we were sorry to see her go.  We had a *fantastic* visit and are already hoping for her next one.  Mom got to witness first-hand the difference a couple of weeks makes in Isaac's development.

Isaac is crawling everywhere now.  It's so fun to see him exploring his world.  Monday, his friend Isaiah came over to spend the day.  Isaiah's a bit taller than Isaac, so things had to be moved up just a little higher than they were.  It made for an interesting day!  Both boys crawl all over the place, then get to a piece of furniture and use it to pull up to a stand.  Isaac is getting faster daily and seems to be pulling up every time I turn around.  The good news is that he can now also get down from a stand, which was much harder to master safely.  Since it's a matter of time before he's walking, we have also gotten Isaac some new shoes.  I think they're adorable, but you can decide for yourself.

As of this writing, Isaac has 4 teeth.  He's got 2 more coming in and I expect to see them within the next couple of weeks (if not days).  Poor little fellow!  The top 2 came in simultaneously and now he's cutting the 3rd - hopefully this weekend so he can finally get some sleep (and so can we).  Here's a messy shot of Isaac's enjoyment of a teething biscuit a couple of weeks ago.

Isaac learned to clap this week.  His friends were here on Wednesday and he saw Henry, Anderson, and Cash clapping.  Apparently this was enough to convince him to give it a try.  He is *adorable* when he claps because he gets a huge smile on his face like he's proud of himself.  Today, he also began pointing.  I try to tell him what items are in front of him when he points, but it's usually "Mom."  :o)  I'll try to get video of Isaac clapping this weekend.  It's not something he'll do when prompted, so it's tricky to catch on camera.  Meanwhile, here's a little bit of him crawling and playing (though not as fast as he was moving today!)

Monday, February 21, 2011


I know it's been a while since my last post.  Things have been a little hectic around here.  Mom arrived to visit us last Sunday and we've been having a great time, so far.

Last Wednesday, however, we had a mishap.  Our downstairs toilet took on a life of its own and flooded our bathroom and the entryway to the house.  At about 5:00, I heard the toilet making a few small noises (no one was in the room with it).  I figured I would ask Todd about it when he got home in a couple of hours.  Surprise!  The toilet decided not to wait for Todd's arrival.  A few minutes after the initial warning sound, I suddenly heard water gushing onto the floor.  I tried to shut off the water valve in the bathroom, but the water kept coming.  I ran outside and turned off the water main coming into the house.  Mom and I did our best to clean up the water and I made a frantic call to Todd to get home *now*.  We used, literally, every single towel in the house to mop up the water.  We are not completely sure that our floors are going to survive, but the toilet has been removed and reinstalled, so we're optimistic.  We borrowed a dehumidifier from a friend and had it set up for a few days.  It's hard to say how much water may have gotten past the waterproof barriers, however, since the water was all the way against the wall (where the barrier ends, obviously).  Anyway, I opted to try to save the floors rather than taking photos, so you are spared the visions of our near swimming pool...  Cross your fingers that this will be the last you hear of this particular incident.  I really hope the floors don't have to come out!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow Day!

I had lots of grand plans about blogging while Todd was out of town last week.  Then the cold weather hit...  Our pipes froze and Isaac and I had to sleep in the Jeep.  

Okay, not really.  We stayed with our friends, the Cantins, for a few days.  Henry and Isaac had a very extended play day while Candy and Heather got great breakfasts made by Jason each morning.  You could say we made the most of a bad situation.  LOL

Here are a few pictures of Henry and Isaac mostly putting up with their moms taking pictures of them in the snow...  When we got home on Saturday morning, there was still quite a bit of snow in our back yard.  I think we actually had more snow at our home than at the Cantins' house, but I wasn't about to traumatize Isaac with another snow pose.

After exhausting himself in the snow, Isaac took a 2+ hour nap in the Pack 'n' Play.  Ivy kept an eye on him for me...

Housing in Leuven

House-hunting in Leuven was quite an experience! We went out with our realtor for 2 consecutive afternoons trying to find a place. The short...