Thursday, August 30, 2012

Laine Sits Up!

A few videos so you won't feel like you've missed anything in my absence from blogging:

Dad trying to determine whether Isaac would prefer a bath or a shower before bed. The answer is "neither, I want to stay up all night and party," but I don't think Isaac could figure out how to communicate that.

His mother's son:

Finally, LAINE CAN SIT UP!!! She just started doing this during dinner and I am so excited I could burst with pride. She is growing so fast!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Growing Isaac

Yesterday, Isaac's new potty arrived (thanks, Amazon)!! So far, he has carried it through every room in the house, stood on it (and fallen off) and then sat on it. I am glad I bought it a few weeks before I was actually planning to start the toilet teaching process. Once it is no longer so novel that the potty has to go into every room with Isaac, I think it will be easier.

I am not planning to start working on teaching Isaac how to use the potty until Todd gets back from Malaysia at the end of September. Until then, Isaac can get used to the potty being around and I will get him back into cloth diapers so he can feel when he is wet.

"I can sit backwards!"

"I can stand up on my own!"


Laundry Room

As you may or may not be aware, we have finally moved on to finishing the laundry room. I painted it yellow a few weeks ago. The color is called Woodlawn Music Room. I can only imagine that the room for which this paint is named is mostly windows. LOL! It's a bright, cheery yellow, though. I wasn't sure I would like it until Todd gave me the idea of red cabinets.

Todd prepped the cabinets and then painted them white. I went back over the fronts with a color called Classic Red. It was just what I envisioned!

Now I just need some fun door pulls and they will be all finished!

Monday, August 27, 2012

5 Months for Laine!

My goodness. I feel like I just posted about Laine's 4-month birthday last week! She is growing so quickly! Laine is a very sweet little one. She is SO HAPPY! She is also completely fascinated by everything Isaac does. She is eager to get moving so she can follow him around. Then things are *really* going to get interesting! LOL

As you have seen from videos this month, Laine is mastering rolling from her back to her belly. She is usually content on her belly for a few minutes after she rolls over, but then I have to go rescue her. Within the past month, she has also learned that she can turn up the volume! She loves to "sing" at me while I am eating.. We will begin introducing pureed foods to her in a month or so. It looks like I am still providing her enough to eat, so I would prefer to delay a little longer. We could technically start at any time, but it looks like there may be fewer chances of allergies if we delay until the 6-month mark (which we did with Isaac).

Laine seems to be getting over some of her trepidation about the camera, as well. I took 3 pics for this month and they all turned out well! :-) Enjoy!

Friday, August 24, 2012


These first videos are from a few days ago:

These were taken yesterday.

The little stinker rolled over very quickly the second I turned off the camera!

My favorite one, however, is from today. Laine is totally in awe of her big brother.  "Cheese" or "no cheese" is Isaac telling me he does/does not wish to be in a photo.

Monday, August 20, 2012


The Walter crew attended a wedding this past weekend. Here are a few pics from the blessed event.

Mom, this sweet little smocked, blue dress is the one from Elaine. It was perfect for the occasion!

This one is blurry because Todd was bouncing Isaac on his knee, but I still thought it was cute.

The whole family.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


I am about to publish proof that I do that thing that parents aren't supposed to do. You know... comparing my kids.  My daughter is just about outgrowing her 6-9M clothes. While I am thrilled that she is so healthy, I was hoping she would stay tiny and snuggly for another 5 years or so. :-P

Anyway, just to give you an idea of how they are different in size, Laine now weighs more at 4 1/2 months than Isaac did at 1 year! Here is a more "apples to apples" comparison:

Isaac at 5 months old (wearing a slightly bulkier cloth diaper):

Laine at 4 1/2 months:

They are both super-extra cute, aren't they?

Even if she is growing like a little weed, our girl is just as sweet as she can be. She is more awake and alert during the day, so my Moby wrap is getting a workout. I don't like leaving her in the bouncy seat and it's nice to have both hands free to do some things. She doesn't like it when I sit down, though, so I might be in really great shape in the near future. LOL! 

Within the past few days, Isaac has hit me with both barrels. The first time, it was "no kisses" when I was playing with him. Then, he threw "no snuggles" at me. (Did I really want him to learn to talk?) He still wants mommy to snuggle at nap time and before bed, but he is otherwise rough and tumble. Something is going on with him, though, because he's been a little crankier and out-of-sorts lately. I took him for a chiropractic adjustment on Thursday and that evening he was in a better mood than he has been for about a week and a half. I know he should have a couple of molars coming in, but I haven't noticed any extra drool, so I'm not sure if that's what is bothering him. The chiropractor said it looked as though he'd recently had some fluid in his ears, so I what I thought was an ear infection may have been.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mini Update

I got Isaac added to a wait-list at St. Matthew's Episcopal Day School yesterday. Their program for 2-year-olds is a 2-morning/week class from 9-12 (noon). I like that it is only 3 hours at a time, so I don't have to adjust quite so quickly to having him gone. There are a couple of names above his, but they have been on the list for quite some time. Apparently that is a good sign if they do end up going to the wait-list for some reason. People who have been on the list for a long time often have made other arrangements by the time they are called. I am not overly eager to get Isaac into school just yet, but I don't think I am challenging him enough. I am currently not sure how he'd do in school, however. At the office yesterday, he spent the entire 5-minute visit informing the 2 nice ladies in the office that he "no like it." LOL!!! He doesn't like to leave the house much of-late. When I tell him we are going to go somewhere, he immediately starts his "home" chant and tries to run away from me when I get ready to put him in the car. I am sure this is just another phase, but it is surprising because he's always been eager to go out before. I am worried he's watching too much television, but it is ALL he wants to do, so I have let it slide a bit for the last 2 weeks. Todd was working Sales Conference and NIWeek, so I've been doing more than a little single-parenting lately... It's easier to take Laine upstairs to nurse if Fireman Sam entertains Isaac for 15 minutes.

Anyway, I am tired and grumpy today, so that's all I've got. Here are some fun videos from the last couple of weeks:

Housing in Leuven

House-hunting in Leuven was quite an experience! We went out with our realtor for 2 consecutive afternoons trying to find a place. The short...