Monday, November 22, 2010

Funksgiving 2010

Funksgiving is, without a doubt, one of my favorite annual celebrations.  Each year, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, we gather together with close friends, a deep fryer, and some alcohol to celebrate.  It's an awesome celebration for a lot of reasons.  We have a lot of the same crowd each year, but we always introduce a few new people to the fun at every celebration.  I also do VERY little cooking for this as we ask everyone to bring a side dish or dessert  - we offer the location, at least one turkey, and stuffing.

Last year, we celebrated at our house.  To give you an idea of how far we've come, these are pics from last year's celebration:

The top picture was taken while standing in the living room, looking into the kitchen and, past that, into the dining room.  (I look enormous because I'm about 5 months pregnant).  Our friend Robert Jackson helped to string the holiday lights from the ceiling just before the party got started.  We did all of our "kitchen" work in the laundry room, which was our temporary kitchen.  The floors where everyone was standing were all exposed concrete.  The only walls downstairs with wallboard on them were in the laundry room and the den.  The walls in the den were not painted and had "Panel" written on all of them to denote that paneling was to be added there (we had torn down the paneling a few weeks prior to the party).

In addition to having a proper kitchen this year,
we also had a totally new group of friends!
The guys still spent most of their time outside hovering around the fire and the turkey fryer.  It was in the 70's and overcast most of the day, so the weather was just about perfect.
And the Walter family managed to get its "Funk" on.
Happy Funksgiving!!!

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