Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Not Much To Tell

...But I get calls from Nana if I don't post anything for too long.  LOL

This was taken a couple of days ago when Isaac was feeling a little better.  He is normally very vocal, but is apparently camera-shy.  He seems to have a good day, then a bad day, then a good day with the sickies...  He feels a little warm to me today, but that could just be because my hands are little blocks of ice.  Thank God I live in Texas!  It's in the 50's and I am a popsicle.

Unfortunately, even though Isaac seems to be feeling better, I've gotten a cold.  I'm hopeful that it's the same thing Isaac (and Todd) had.  Otherwise, I'm probably going to get the poor little guy sick again...  Today, in an attempt to get out of the house and not have to *do* anything, we went to another Baby Day showing of Harry Potter.  We went with our friend, Maureen, last week, but I loved it and decided to go again today.  Isaac mostly napped through the movie both times, which is wonderful when I'm the entertainment committee.

In other news, my cousin Elisabeth is being induced tomorrow and is already in the hospital this evening.  They are starting her on Cervidil tonight - this sounds a lot like how we got to meet our sweet Isaac nearly 8 months ago!  My thoughts and prayers are with her and her husband, Matt.  I hope things go very smoothly for them and little Miss Bailey makes an entrance sooner, rather than later.

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