Sunday, May 27, 2012

2 Months for Laine

I can't believe how quickly the last 2 months have passed!  I have been a little concerned because several people have started to comment on how "big" she is getting.  This bothers me because girls grow up with so many body image issues.  I don't want Laine to internalize the idea that she is big.  I was talking to my friend Allison about it and she has a great word:  thriving.  Suffice it to say, Laine is definitely THRIVING!!! :-)  She is off the top of the (CDC) growth charts!  At her appointment Friday, she weighed 14 pounds 10 ounces.  She is 23 inches long.

Laine is starting to smile a bit.  She is very alert and curious.  She is very sweet and has been a much easier baby than I could ever have imagined.  She sleeps for about a 5-hour stretch most nights, which is a wonderful change from our first parenting experience.

Isaac pesters his sister constantly.  LOL!  I didn't have much "me" time before, but now I have to even take him into the bathroom with me if she is in a location he can reach. He wants to hug on her and snuggle with her and I'm afraid he could accidentally hurt or smother her if I leave them alone, even for just a few minutes.  I am glad to see that he is so smitten with her.  I knew he was sweet, but it sure is awesome to see how much he adores the baby.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Yesterday, Isaac awoke before the sun actually rose.  He was in super-cranky mode by 8:00 a.m.  My wonderful friend Candy invited us over so I wouldn't go insane.  Her husband has been building an incredible playscape in their back yard.  

Isaac likes it, especially the sand box:

Can't just leave the sand at the bottom, though:

Aunt Candy climbed up, too!

Looking down from on high:

Climbing, climbing, climbing:

Digging in the Dirt

Ha! I bet you thought this post was going to be about Isaac, didn't you? It is, but mostly it's about Todd. :-) As all 3 of my readers will remember, we had a lot of work done recently to connect our house to the city sewer line. As that project was wrapping up, Todd had some pipe installed to run sprinklers. This weekend, he's started digging up the rest of the yard to install the sprinklers. He's rented a mini-excavator so that he can dig up around the yard to bury the pipes. He's also going to work on leveling and grading the front yard some. It's been a MESS since the front porch project... You really have to watch your step.

I saw Todd drive past the house yesterday with this monstrosity in tow.  He turned around in the park before backing in:

Isaac checks it out:

Pulling forward to loosen the chains:


Down the ramp!

Testing out the "toy":

Getting the hang of it:

Isaac exploring:

More digging:

Isaac checks out the view with his Daddy:

I'll post more progress later.  Suffice it to say that the front yard is now less grassy than it used to be.  :-)  I'll bet our neighbors wish we'd move.  LOL

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Quick Video

Will write when I have time, but in the meantime, here's our little girl "chatting":

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bubbles and Baking

Photo update:

Beatles shirt (reminds me of Isaac's Uncle Dave and reminds Todd of his college roommate Jason):

Fun new bubble-making toy:

Daddy gets in on the bubbles:

So does Jackson:

ADORABLE hat from Todd's cousin Doug:


Making blueberry muffins:

Enjoying the fruits of our labor:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

6 Weeks for Laine!

Yeah, yeah.  I'm behind.  I intended to post an update after Laine's 1-month appointment almost 2 weeks ago... I am finally getting 8 seconds to sit at the computer.  :-)  Todd left last Monday and Mom's been staying with us.  She left yesterday.  She's been helping to take care of Laine and Isaac.  Thank goodness she was here! Todd will be back late tomorrow night and we're all looking forward to it.  Isaac is *definitely* missing his daddy!

Laine's 1-month appointment went well.  She gained FOUR POUNDS in one month!!!  She was 7 lbs. 14 oz. at birth and was 11 lbs. 14 oz. at the doctor visit.  She is growing and growing!  She is almost out of her 0-3 month sized clothes.  It's hard for me to believe since Isaac was so much smaller.  She weighed more at one month than Isaac did at 2 months.  :-)  We've also discovered that Laine looked exactly like her daddy did when he was born.  When I get some free time (hardy-har-har), I'll try to scan in a few of Todd's baby pics for a comparison.  It's uncanny! She's a good eater and sometimes a good sleeper.  It doesn't look like she's going to have all of the reflux issues poor Isaac had, which is great news.  I went to see my midwife yesterday, who said I look like I melted.  Then she saw Laine and said, "Oh my gosh, it's because she ate you!"  LOL

Isaac is getting used to having a little sister.  He dotes on her, which is very sweet.  I have to be careful, though.  I can't leave him alone with her at all because he's constantly touching her and he's not yet mastered the "gentle" touch yet.  He's been VERY sweet and it makes my heart melt to watch him with her.

OK. On to the part you're actually interested in; the camera dump.

For some reason, it won't let me rotate these...  Hopefully you'll still enjoy the outtakes from the calendar photo:

Wearing Daddy's hat:

Our Busy Boy!

I wanted to capture the look of terror on Todd's face just seconds before this.  His first time to hold both of his kids at once.  :-)

Nana and Baby Laine:

Still can't rotate...  Laine and her CPK.  I will use this doll for size comparisons month-to-month.  Isaac, apparently, will also be participating.  LOL

Todd's been working on the laundry room.  Here he has been taping and floating the walls.  You can see where the old window used to be.

Showing off the now-textured walls.

Elke reading a book to Isaac and Milena:

Henry exploring:

Easy rider:

Alan and Cash exploring:

Alan, Cash, and Henry explore:

Henry pushing Isaac's tricycle:

Music makes the boys dance!

Nana and her grandbabies:

Housing in Leuven

House-hunting in Leuven was quite an experience! We went out with our realtor for 2 consecutive afternoons trying to find a place. The short...