Thursday, July 12, 2012

Isaac the Helper

Isaac has become quite the little helper of late. He always tries to help, but he's just amazed us with a few things in particular over the last week or so. 

The other day, after he finished eating his cereal, he got down from the table. He got his bowl and spoon, took them to the dishwasher, and put them in! He did it again when he finished breakfast this morning. 

A couple of nights ago, I took Laine upstairs immediately after dinner. Todd and Isaac stayed downstairs to clean up the kitchen. As Todd was washing dishes, he heard a sound in the pantry. Isaac had opened the dog's food container, set the lid aside, and scooped out half of a cup of food to feed Jackson. Todd helped him to fill the cup the rest of the way, but then let Isaac feed the dog and release Jackson to eat. He usually helps feed Jackson, but it's because Todd says, "I am going to feed Jackson. Do you want to help me?" This time, Isaac proactively started on his own! 

Yesterday, I went upstairs to get Laine after her nap. Isaac stayed downstairs. He apparently got his milk cup off the kitchen table and was carrying it around. It spilled in the front hallway. He came back into the kitchen, got the paper towels down, pulled a few (okay, a bunch) off the roll, and tried to clean up the spilled milk! I am so excited about how helpful he's genuinely been the last few days. If only I could make it last for another 18 years or so...

Isaac has been helping Daddy with projects in the yard for a few weeks now. He wants the drill whenever Todd is using it, so I took him his own drill and he got right to work! A few pics of Isaac and his drill hard at work last weekend in the truck bed:

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