Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Life is Good at 6

It's been quite the week for Isaac. He finished Level 1 of All About Reading on Saturday, April 20. For those of you not keeping track... that means he finished his first 49 reading lessons in under 2 months. That's INSANE. I expect Level 2 to take significantly longer as it covers meatier concepts and there are more lessons. I *think* we can expect to finish a lesson every other day. But who knows? He certainly doesn't lack for determination. On a fun note, his friend Anderson finished a day earlier, so we're getting together Friday to celebrate the boys' accomplishment. But wait... there's more!!! The best part? The boys want to celebrate by starting their work on Level 2 together!!! Ha ha ha! Every once in a while, things go REALLY WELL. This is one of those times. I'm writing about it so I can remember it on the Internet for all the rest of my days. He wanted me to take a video. Please forgive the terrible audio quality.

Here are a couple of pics of him not holding still long enough for me to photograph his excitement last Saturday.

We celebrated the completion of AAR1 on Sunday (Father's Day) by getting breakfast from Rudy's. It was a sacrifice Todd and I were willing to make for all of Isaac's hard work.

This week he continued on his incredible growth streak in a completely new way. Isaac is suddenly mastering his swim classes! He's always been worried about swimming and being away from the pool for months was enough to worry him all over again. Last year he had an instructor he really liked, so that was a massive help. This year, he didn't want to take swim lessons again. I informed him that it's a life skill and, thus, not optional. Them's the breaks. Anyway, after a mere 3 hours in the water, he got bumped from Level 1 (Blue) to Level 2 (Orange). I am BLOWN AWAY watching him in the water. He's so much more confident, he's a great deal stronger, and he's genuinely pushing himself to get stronger and learn more. 

I'm trying to fasten my seat belt and hang on for the ride. I'm excited for this latest "growth" spurt in his ability to work on new skills. It's been so exciting from my seat on the sidelines and I'm happy that Isaac is remarkably proud of himself and he recognizes that it's his own efforts that are paying off.

Meanwhile, little sister is also taking swim class. She's also doing well, but we don't have the opportunity to practice for an hour after every class like we did last summer. There was a baby pool available to us last year that was right next to the pool where their lessons were conducted. I think they'd both be up a level if we were spending more time at the pool and she had a chance to practice her skills. I'm not going to push her - she is usually the one who wants to work on the skills over and over again until she masters them. This was her today:

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